PS Breakdown | Hoth [Before & After]

Tanya Musgrave40 Comments

The process took about 12 hours in photoshop, not including some fun (about 8ish more hours of pre-vis and research).   I received fantastic council from my friends and extraordiNerds; it was most amusing :)  Enjoy.

[RELATED: Article » SLR Lounge Feature on Photoshop Hoth Wedding]



Photo manipulation | Wedding of Hoth

Tanya MusgraveComment

Sooo some of you might remember a

photo manipulation series I did a while back, [E L E M E N T S]

—it just so happens that one of our illustrious models from that shoot is the sister of the groom in a wedding I shot earlier this summer.

One of the specific requests was a Star Wars photo manipulation, and thus began my journey down the rabbit-hole of nerdom. I now know that E-11 blaster rifles had extendable stocks, that AT-AT walkers didn't walk in the desert, and that the twin suns are associated with Tatooine (that one should've been a bit easier, but alas, the last time I saw these movies were when I was about 8).

I had help from some of my fantastically nerdy cohorts; seriously, it's like I discovered a hidden city where all the cool people actually live, and only come meet me for coffee to keep up appearances. I see you and your double lives, I see you!!

In any case, enjoy the efforts of a nerd-padawan—it was most enjoyable on this end.

 [ H O T H  ]

*Photoshop breakdown*

PS Breakdown | Wanderlust

Here are some before and afters :) PS Breakdown video at the bottom—Haha you'll notice a shoutout to Phlearn for teaching me better ways to cut out hair. This is really how I do things; tutorials all the way.

And then there are complete accidents that just blow your mind. More on that later.

Props to Chet Williams for getting some cool behind-the-scenes drone shots of our time out there. Til next time!

The Model:  Keri Mau
The Stuff:  Canon 5D Mkiii, 16-35mm f2.8 L-series, 70-200mm f2.8 L-series, Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop
The Partners in Crime:  Chet Williams, Ryan Lim, Roy Lim, Addison Huong, Jeremiah Waworoendeng

Photo Manipulation | Wanderlust [III of III]

-TK-1 Comment
"Be like the bird 
that, pausing in her flight
awhile on boughs too slight, 
feels them give way,
beneath her but sings,
knowing that she has wings."

—Victor Hugo

"Boughs too slight" can be scary—whether you're the one who put yourself there or not. But speaking as someone who's testing the branches as we speak, it's important as an artist to understand that there's an innate sense of survival and perfectionism that will often times catch you more than not. By all means, learn something every day (I'll be sharing a mind-blowing PS tip I learned by accident), but don't be afraid to push forward. The time you put into your craft won't fail you.

One of my favorite Josh Groban songs is "Let Me Fall" —The person you will become will catch you :)  Go do! God bless, have fun, stay fabulous, Merry Christmas.



[ W A N D E R L U S T ] III of III
Before and after, PS Breakdown to come

The Model:  Keri Mau
The Stuff:  Canon 5D Mkiii, 16-35mm f2.8 L-series, Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop
The Partners in Crime:  Chet Williams, Ryan Lim, Roy Lim, Addison Huong, Jeremiah Waworoendeng

Photo Manipulation | Wanderlust [II of III]

res·fe·ber (n.) — The restless race of a traveller's heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together; a "travel fever" that can manifest as an illness (Origin Swedish)

It's always been about a journey beginning—even if I have a theory that it always rains on the last day. "Restless" isn't necessarily the constant state that I like to think about (contentment is best), but I found this word today and like this word and definition better.

Again, more understated than other endeavors, but simple enough to continue the series. Next and last one will take the journey into fruition, so rest easy—our girl gets to where she's aiming :)

[ W A N D E R L U S T ] II of III
Before and after, PS Breakdown to come

The Model:  Keri Mau
The Stuff:  Canon 5D Mkiii, 16-35mm f2.8 L-series, Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop
The Partners in Crime:  Chet Williams, Ryan Lim, Roy Lim, Addison Huong, Jeremiah Waworoendeng