20+10 for 2010....x 2

I'll be blunt, I'm lousy at New Year's Resolutions. Though I think we all pilfered that quest as soon as it was invented, I think I might try a check-list to complete throughout the year, rather than doing it all at once :) I have no clue whether or not it'll actually get done, but as I've heard, "If you aim for nothing, you'll get it."

I was going to only list 30 things...lol, I could only THINK of 30 things. But then more started coming, and I just figured...I'll do 30 times 2, lol, why not.

So here it be: My bucket-list for 2010, in no particular order...(yes I plan on living past this year...it just started being called that.)

1. Be there for my students' graduation on Majuro
2. Take pictures of a good cause
3. Make a printed photography portfolio
4. Design packaging for my photos
5. Be a first Assistant Director for a film shoot [Completed 3.13.10]
6. Actually drink 8 glasses of water in a day for a week (small steps here, I hate water)
7. Volunteer at a soup kitchen
8. Get an internship at a reputable film studio
9. Shoot 5 couples portraits
10. Shoot 5 family portraits
11. Shoot 5 senior portraits
12. Shoot 5 weddings
13. Carve something out of a coconut :)
14. Get an official photography website
15. Learn how to tie a monkey's fist with Wes Hall [Completed 3.9.10]
16. Direct a music video
17. Call an old friend out of the blue [Completed 2.18.10]
18. Learn how to surf
19. Learn how to drive stick
20. Create a packet for potential photography clients
21. Learn how to take good pictures of the moon [Completed 5.29.10]
22. Make a wooden bowl on the lathe with my dad
23. Sew a PJ set with my mom
24. Learn how to matte and frame a photo with my aunt
25. Blog every day for 30 days
26. Learn how to make Thanksgiving gluten
27. Get a portrait photo published in a magazine
28. Get a 70-200mm/f2.8 zoom lens (haha)
29. Get instead, a Gary Fong Lightsphere diffuser. [Completed 2.19.10]
30. Swim 365 laps (I have no clue whether or not it's a lot or not...but I'm a terrible swimmer, so it seems monumental enough)
31. Get a 2nd camera body [Completed 5.6.10]
32. Learn how to spin (DJ) :)
33. Do an HDR photo
34. Write a snail-mail letter!
35. Do a time-lapse photo with an ND filter
36. Learn how to use Lightroom software
37. Read "Visual Poetry" by Chris Orwig
38. See 20 Classic Films
-Mary Poppins
-West Side Story [Completed 1.30.10]
-Shall We Dance
-To Kill a Mockingbird
-Gone With the Wind
-White Christmas
-The Bridge on the River Kwai
-Singin' in the Rain
-The Philadelphia Story
-The Quiet Man
-Roman Holiday [Completed 7.14.10]
-Bringing Up Baby
-The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
-It's a Wonderful Life
-Miracle on 34th St.
-You'll Never Get Rich
-Magnificent Seven [Completed 2.25.10]
39. Read the New Testament
40. Make the firestarter kit with Jim Buller (denim, tin, flint & steel :) [Completed 4.9.10]
41. Write and record a song
42. Learn how to make Pad Thai
43. Go to a photography workshop
44. Dance in a production [Completed 3.20.10]
45. Climb a 5.10
46. Learn how to roll a kayak
47. Go backpacking for the first time
48. Enter a photo contest [Completed 3.5.10]
49. Learn how to spike in volleyball :)
50. Ech. Go to the dentist [Completed 5.13.10]
51. Go camping with good friends
52. Learn how to play "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" on the ukelele like IZ (haha)
53. Go to a state I've never been to
54. Read a Jodi Picoult Book [Completed 3.8.10]
55. Get my spine straightened.
56. Actually stop on the way to school to take pictures
57. Convert my old tapes to my computer
58. Do a pet-shoot :-P [Completed 2.20.10]
59. Learn a new hemp-braiding knot
60. Have devotions while watching a sunrise

I guess we'll see how I do, haha, I'll see ya on the other side :) Happy New Year all!