So before I completely submerse myself in getting Mexico pictures up, I should get a previous "check" out of the way. While I was waiting for my awesome brother to pick me up at 2 a.m. to take me to the Atlanta airport, I watched one of the classics on my bucket-list: The Magnificent Seven! Lol, gotta love them cowboys, and of course it was great to see Steve McQueen again...watched The Great Escape ages ago with my dad. Yul Brynner was brilliant as well.
The relaxed gunslingers are hired to protect a poor Mexican village from Banditos. Quite good.
Some fun facts, courtesy of
~ Yul Brynner was married on the set; the celebration used many of the same props as the fiesta scene.
~ Yul Brynner was concerned to make sure he always appeared substantially taller than Steve McQueen, to the point of making a little mound of earth and standing on it in all their shots together. McQueen, for his part, casually kicked at the mound every time he passed by it.
~ Pay close attention to Eli Wallach whenever he handles his gun. Whenever he puts the gun back into his holster, he always looks down at it. That was because Wallach wasn't used to drawing the weapon and didn't want to look foolish by missing the holster while putting his gun back.
~ Composer John Williams was a member of the orchestra that recorded Elmer Bernstein's score; he played the piano.
~ According to Eli Wallach's autobiography, Yul Brynner had a major problem with what he perceived as Steve McQueen's trying to upstage him. According to Wallach, McQueen would do things when on screen with Brynner to draw attention to his character.
Examples were his shaking of the shotgun shells and taking off his hat to check the sun during the hearse scene and leaning off his horse to dip his hat in the river when the Seven cross into Mexico. Brynner was supposedly so worried about McQueen stealing his limelight in scenes that he hired an assistant to count the number of times McQueen touched his own hat when he [Brynner] was speaking.