"Celebrities poop too." Someone told me that a while ago, and though I wish I could say I wholeheartedly believed it, I'm a step closer since getting shut down by Jamie Foxx ;-P I'll explain later -- my aim is to de-glitzify this whole dealio for ya so people can quit thinking I'm living the life, however awesome the privilege was.
Mom and I got ready and headed off on the subway to Alice Tully Hall at the Lincoln Center -- this is how the classy ones get to the events, don't be fooled. Freezing our ever-lovin' tails off and hating heels, we backtracked the blocks that the express train took us past.
"So much for doin' the hair." --Mom, with tresses blown straight back. Good laughs, for real.
Got there, got checked in and got our tickets and checked out all the winners' photos on the gallery wall. Looked fabulous!
Mingled around and met other photographers that I'd only known by FB profile pictures -- very cool, and such awesome people. Meanwhile we waited for the red-carpeters to come in.
Yup, for those who were wondering, we didn't walk the red carpet with the celebs (the entire audience was basically made up of the winners and +1s, so it wouldn't make much sense for all of us to barrel down it). We were told they'd leave it up though, so afterwards we could take pictures if we wanted (chyuh).
But I totally caught sight of Ron Howard and all his blurriness!
And Eva Longoria and her shortness! (Chic's literally like, 5 feet -- she looks so much taller on TV).
And then Jamie Foxx. Lol, not gonna tell that story yet -- but check him out!
So we all go into the Starr Theater to find our seats.
Second row helped with my stealthy shots. (C'mon, get real, all of us had our cameras out; it was kind of hilarious in a sad sort of way).
The celebrity and winning filmmakers came out to present their films...among them the co-inventor/founder of Twitter. He's the guy with the mic.
And then we watched all the films! They were all well made, some better than others and some I didn't get at all (I say this as a self-appointed can't-talk critic like the rest of humanity -- I digress).
Here's a sneaky shot of what Jamie Foxx did with Andrew & Tara's photo (my bride & groom):
Did I get to meet Jamie Foxx. Lol, not really. Everyone took off to the open bar, and I noticed Jamie and his entourage were still hanging out near their theater seats. With the urging of my mom, I figure I might as well introduce myself and tell him something my friend Theo wanted me to tell him ("Just breathe and tell him to be in Bad Boys III. All you gotta remember").
And not that I feel incredibly entitled, but if I were a filmmaker who used someone else's shots, it'd be at least interesting to see who took 'em.
Went up to the top and took this -- hardly anyone was there, unlike before where throngs pressed from every side...
There were tops 10 people -- So I went down and he had a little girl on his lap, sitting next to Harry Belafonte (the girl in front of me looked at me like I was a cyclops when I asked who it was. Apparently he's a Grammy Winner and political activist -- changed Jamie Foxx's life. Whoops.)
He got up, I was in his row right next to him and I kid you not, he made eye contact long enough for me to smile and start to say hi and he turned away. (Burnnnn) Granted, Alicia Keys walked up to talk to him. By all means, girl -- meanwhile a stalker shot from the hip. How classy am I....
When he seemed like he wasn't in the middle of anything, I literally tried two more times -- he even paid enough attention to me to get halfway through my sentence before turning his back on me, haha, so point taken. I concede -- I didn't wanna be a crazy person, so I left. Dude! You're welcome for the inspiration, yo! ;-)
"Celebrities poop too." -- if that doesn't humanize them for ya, I don't know what will. Lol, went back out with Mumsy and met a bunch more of the photographers and filmmakers. Got our goodie-bags when we walked the empty red carpet afterwards and could take pictures. Rory and Susan were awesome enough to take our pictures.
And just because I could (and because my feet were killing me) ;-P
And who can resist a blurry selfie?
So there ya have it folks! That's what it was like and we can allll finally move past this awesome experience. I'm here to remind ya that it's just a crowd-sourced publicity stunt (it works, lol) but Mom and I had a blast!
Mom and I are gonna check out the Brooklyn Bridge park and then meet up with a couple of my local college friends! Peace.
Mom and I got ready and headed off on the subway to Alice Tully Hall at the Lincoln Center -- this is how the classy ones get to the events, don't be fooled. Freezing our ever-lovin' tails off and hating heels, we backtracked the blocks that the express train took us past.
"So much for doin' the hair." --Mom, with tresses blown straight back. Good laughs, for real.

Got there, got checked in and got our tickets and checked out all the winners' photos on the gallery wall. Looked fabulous!

Mingled around and met other photographers that I'd only known by FB profile pictures -- very cool, and such awesome people. Meanwhile we waited for the red-carpeters to come in.

Yup, for those who were wondering, we didn't walk the red carpet with the celebs (the entire audience was basically made up of the winners and +1s, so it wouldn't make much sense for all of us to barrel down it). We were told they'd leave it up though, so afterwards we could take pictures if we wanted (chyuh).
But I totally caught sight of Ron Howard and all his blurriness!

And Eva Longoria and her shortness! (Chic's literally like, 5 feet -- she looks so much taller on TV).

And then Jamie Foxx. Lol, not gonna tell that story yet -- but check him out!
He's all...

And we're all...
(Remember we're all photographers, so everyone's goin' nuts with our
built-in-paparazzi-ness. Well played, Canon, well played.)

So we all go into the Starr Theater to find our seats.

Second row helped with my stealthy shots. (C'mon, get real, all of us had our cameras out; it was kind of hilarious in a sad sort of way).
The celebrity and winning filmmakers came out to present their films...among them the co-inventor/founder of Twitter. He's the guy with the mic.

And then we watched all the films! They were all well made, some better than others and some I didn't get at all (I say this as a self-appointed can't-talk critic like the rest of humanity -- I digress).
Here's a sneaky shot of what Jamie Foxx did with Andrew & Tara's photo (my bride & groom):
So the question on your mind that errrrbody's been asking:
And not that I feel incredibly entitled, but if I were a filmmaker who used someone else's shots, it'd be at least interesting to see who took 'em.
Went up to the top and took this -- hardly anyone was there, unlike before where throngs pressed from every side...

There were tops 10 people -- So I went down and he had a little girl on his lap, sitting next to Harry Belafonte (the girl in front of me looked at me like I was a cyclops when I asked who it was. Apparently he's a Grammy Winner and political activist -- changed Jamie Foxx's life. Whoops.)

He got up, I was in his row right next to him and I kid you not, he made eye contact long enough for me to smile and start to say hi and he turned away. (Burnnnn) Granted, Alicia Keys walked up to talk to him. By all means, girl -- meanwhile a stalker shot from the hip. How classy am I....

When he seemed like he wasn't in the middle of anything, I literally tried two more times -- he even paid enough attention to me to get halfway through my sentence before turning his back on me, haha, so point taken. I concede -- I didn't wanna be a crazy person, so I left. Dude! You're welcome for the inspiration, yo! ;-)
"Celebrities poop too." -- if that doesn't humanize them for ya, I don't know what will. Lol, went back out with Mumsy and met a bunch more of the photographers and filmmakers. Got our goodie-bags when we walked the empty red carpet afterwards and could take pictures. Rory and Susan were awesome enough to take our pictures.

And just because I could (and because my feet were killing me) ;-P

And who can resist a blurry selfie?

So there ya have it folks! That's what it was like and we can allll finally move past this awesome experience. I'm here to remind ya that it's just a crowd-sourced publicity stunt (it works, lol) but Mom and I had a blast!
Mom and I are gonna check out the Brooklyn Bridge park and then meet up with a couple of my local college friends! Peace.