Behind the Scenes | Photoshop breakdown [WATER]

-TK-9 Comments
I know you wanna get to the BTS, so I'll do the main writing in Tarzan-speak, with photographer/more nitty-gritty-deets in the captions (including links to the other photogs--keep checking back on them for their take on the day).  

If you really wanna skip stuff and see how it was done, the Photoshop breakdown is at the bottom, ready GO. 

#1 - Creepy house.

(Photo Cred: Logan Foll)
Location thanks to Jonathan Morua -- big into urban exploration, he scored this location on a walk one day. Hollaa. 
(PC: Logan Foll)
Gloria exploring...  (PC: Logan Foll)

#2 - Models & Mayhem.

Gloria gets fitted with designer threads.  When in need of models, we test to see exactly how much those friends on Facebook actually DO like our posts,  lol.  Easy peasy.  The mayhem part comes from the freaking out that fellow photog and styler Aimee Burchard did the couple days before when this whole thing blew up.  Yay Good Will!  (PC: Logan Foll)

Rachel gettin' done up!  And yup, Aimee did wardrobe (pinning/sewing tablecloths into awesomeness), hair and makeup, as well as bringing some of the cool props you'll see later.  Woohoo!  (PC: Logan Foll)

"Sisters" for the day, Gloria and Rachel

#3 - Westcott Rapidbox. w/ beauty dish reflector plate.  Wanted to learn more, hence:

For photogs: This is basically a $175 collapsible octabank + $25 beauty dish reflector plate. Got it all in a kit here. (PC: Logan Foll)
Matt sets up the rig. You might recognize him from my other endeavors with strobes.  With the center reflector plate, even though it's shaped more like an octa, it throws light very similarly to the beauty dish.   I watched this review-vid of it being used in a fashion shoot before I bought it. I used the diffusion cover for this entire series.

 #4 - Shoot, bang!

This was about the time we were freaked out and rushing to get out of there; Aimee had her massive garden shears in hand just in case we needed to bludgeon an intruder with a blunt object...

For photogs:  Actually the last setup of the day and the first shot of it.  Sun had gone down not allowing for any ambient at all.  Would've preferred a little light popping them in the back from the window, but it was usable.
#5 - Click.  

Original post here: /www.tkmusgrave.com/musgrave.com/2014/03/photo-manipulation-elements-water.html

(For those familiar with LightRoom, the preset I used at the end was one I made for a different photo way back -- involved saturation, cross processing, exposure, curves, and graduated filters.)

Photo Manipulation | Elements [WATER]

-TK-7 Comments
"Hello....?  Any crazy-murderer in here?"  -- This latest ShutterTrip has to be the creepiest and coolest I've ever been on.  

I happened to be in Chattanooga for a film festival this past weekend and wanted to expand my knowledge with a particular light modifier I'd just gotten (and had no clue how to use).

I put the word out on Facebook and before I knew it, a little ShutterMob formed and it turned into an elaborate styled concept shoot.  There were about ten of us, and we somehow ended up in an abandoned house armed with cameras and a couple friends wrapped in Good Will tablecloths.

Welcome to the first of the four elements.

[ W A T E R ]

The Models:  Rachel Carithers, Gloria Dortch
The Stuff:  Canon 5D Mkiii, Canon 580 EXii Speedlite, Westcott Rapidbox w/ beauty dish reflector plate, Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop
The Partners in Crime:  Aimee Burchard, Nathan DeWild, Logan Foll, Matt Hadley, Jonathan Morua, Ricky Oliveras, Brandan Roberts

Photo Manipulation | Reaver Reception (and layer breakdown)

-TK-2 Comments
Every once and again, I get to flex some exploration into photo manipulation -- this particular groom happened to be part of another wedding manip which led to this. We settled on their love of Firefly to carry us through this particular one.

When Chris & Ashley mentioned they were Browncoats, it wasn't too hard to come up with what would be dropping in on their reception :) This is what the weapons were for (Yup, I didn't add in any of their weapons -- mad literal props for tracking down that River Tam axe btw).

Without further ado:


And for those who are curious --
Layer Breakdown