"Hello....? Any crazy-murderer in here?" -- This latest ShutterTrip has to be the creepiest and coolest I've ever been on.
The Models: Rachel Carithers, Gloria Dortch
The Stuff: Canon 5D Mkiii, Canon 580 EXii Speedlite, Westcott Rapidbox w/ beauty dish reflector plate, Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop
The Partners in Crime: Aimee Burchard, Nathan DeWild, Logan Foll, Matt Hadley, Jonathan Morua, Ricky Oliveras, Brandan Roberts
I happened to be in Chattanooga for a film festival this past weekend and wanted to expand my knowledge with a particular light modifier I'd just gotten (and had no clue how to use).
I put the word out on Facebook and before I knew it, a little ShutterMob formed and it turned into an elaborate styled concept shoot. There were about ten of us, and we somehow ended up in an abandoned house armed with cameras and a couple friends wrapped in Good Will tablecloths.
I put the word out on Facebook and before I knew it, a little ShutterMob formed and it turned into an elaborate styled concept shoot. There were about ten of us, and we somehow ended up in an abandoned house armed with cameras and a couple friends wrapped in Good Will tablecloths.
Welcome to the first of the four elements.
[ W A T E R ]
The Models: Rachel Carithers, Gloria Dortch
The Stuff: Canon 5D Mkiii, Canon 580 EXii Speedlite, Westcott Rapidbox w/ beauty dish reflector plate, Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop
The Partners in Crime: Aimee Burchard, Nathan DeWild, Logan Foll, Matt Hadley, Jonathan Morua, Ricky Oliveras, Brandan Roberts