Photo Manipulation | Elements [FIRE]

Apologies for the wait on this one.  Lesson learned:  have a concept in mind before you shoot.  Sweet Mary, this one was hard.  Totally worth it.  But dang....right-brained agony for days.

Despite the shoot being ever-so-slightly thrown together in the first place, we were pretty solid on concepts — except for fire.  I thought it'd make it easier if we just took out all the surrounding elements and figured out what to do with it later.  W R O N G.  For the love of all things awesome, have a concept in mind and your post-production will go infinitely more smoothly, lol.

Still, it was kind of cool to see this one take shape.  I've found that instead of merely adding to the environment and actually having to fabricate it, the concept evolves with every passing hour.  This can be a pro and con, but meh, I digress.

Herrr it is!  Three down, one more to go...

[ F I R E ]

The Models:  Rachel Carithers, Gloria Dortch
The Stuff:  Canon 5D Mkiii, Canon 580 EXii Speedlite, Westcott Rapidbox w/ beauty dish reflector plate, Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop
The Partners in Crime:  Aimee Burchard, Nathan DeWild, Logan Foll, Matt Hadley, Jonathan Morua, Ricky Oliveras, Brandan Roberts